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squirrel away

美 [ˈskwɜːrəl əˈweɪ]英 [ˈskwɪrəl əˈweɪ]
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squirrel awaysquirrel away


save up as for future use
Synonym: hoard stash cache lay away hive up


  1. Squirrel away the love letters and photos in the attic ?


  2. But inflation should also drive up your salary , allowing you to squirrel away more money .


  3. When prices fall , it encourages households and businesses to squirrel away cash , holding back growth .


  4. I should teach them to squirrel away each dollar so they can hunker away from the wind at the door .


  5. Japan has a savings ratio of 150 per cent of GDP , the highest in the world , while the Chinese are thought to squirrel away about a quarter of their income .


  6. What do you do with the detritus of a former relationship ? Torch everything ? Sell the diamonds ? Squirrel away the love letters and photos in the attic ?


  7. For Germans with a sweet tooth , 43 percent packed treats in the form of Haribo while 43 percent of Irish tourists squirrel away Silvermints in their suitcase .


  8. The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter .


  9. If I know I 'm going to need something over and over again , I squirrel it away somewhere and then get it back when I need it .


  10. a young woman danced with a hula hoop near a fountain and a squirrel darted away from us toward a tree just beginning to leaf .


  11. When I was driving through a local cemetery to view the cherry trees , I spotted this squirrel munching away the cherry blossom petals .


  12. As she spoke , an elderly couple walked along a nearby path , a young woman danced with a hula hoop near a fountain and a squirrel darted away from us toward a tree just beginning to leaf .


  13. Nervous householders continue to squirrel more money away in the banks .


  14. Smartly , virtually all of the functions in the Squirrel Shell abstract away the specifics of the underlying operating system , so your code can be as generic as possible .
